

After the excitement of our trip to India at the end of last year there is still a lot for the team of five Legacy Supporters to do.  Now it’s down to the hard work of sharing our experience and generating support for Save the Children.

At the beginning of the month I went to talk to my former colleagues at ADIL in Aberdeen about my visit to India.  I was grateful for the opportunity to go back.  It’s always good to see old friends and they were interested to hear about what I had seen.   Preparing for the talk had brought it home to me how much we’d squeezed into our week over there.  I was only able to cover a fraction of the trip, and even then there still wasn’t enough time to cover all that I wanted to say.  We were privileged to see so much in November.

Then the team of five Legacy Supporters got together again in order to feedback to the Save the Children staff in London our thoughts on the visit.  While we were together we were also able to share our ideas on how to let people know about we had seen, and how we might be able to raise support for Save the Children’s work.

You can see from the more recent posts on this blog some of the things that we’re doing, and also get some feel for the kind of responses and reactions I’ve had when talking about the trip.  If you want to find out more about what we actually saw please look back at some of the earlier posts.  And finally if you know of any groups who would enjoy the chance of hearing about Save the Children’s work first hand please drop me a note and we can set something up.

Thanks for taking the time to read about this.   If you find it interesting please consider donating to allow Save the Children to continue their work. You can do this with a cash gift, or with a commitment to leave money in your will on their website through this link to Save the Children


